Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colorado Springs

After we left Dubuque, IA, we visited Jim's mother again in Cascade and then headed for Colorado Springs. We did make a stop in Council Bluffs, IA, to visit the Wilsons. They prepared a great steak dinner and we had a good time catching up on old times.
In Colorado Springs we got to attend Chris' (Jim and Pat's grandson) soccer game. The team played very well and seemed to be having a good time. The coaches obviously have done a good job, as the 7-year-olds did not bunch up around the ball, but actually spread out on the field.
While in Colorado Springs we had a good time with family and I prepared a brats dinner for everyone. I brought the brats back from Wisconsin and even prepared some cheese curds (with help from Pat).

'Til next time. Gus
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Phylis said...

I'm not sure I'd enjoy eating a bunch of bratty little kids. But I know you gorillas are different. And I sure as hell would't want to travel with them from Wisconsin to Colorado!!!

Gus said...

They are better to eat when aged!!